Executive Steering Committee Roles

The Regional Committees of Sustainable Youth Canada allow young leaders to connect and collaborate with each other to advance the sustainability goals of each Affiliated Region. Executives on a Regional Committee take on various roles to ensure the success of Sustainable Youth Canada, as identified below:
Director: Presiding over committee meetings, the Regional Director is responsible for overseeing the direction of the Affiliated Region, and for organizing and maintaining the progress of the Regional Committee. Regional Directors undergo a special application process that can be found here.
Secretary: Assists the Director in maintaining the direction of the committee, responsible for taking minutes at committee meetings and communicating committee decisions with all members.
Treasurer: Manages the financial matters of the region, such as operating costs and money from fundraisers.
Membership Chair: Manages membership matters and maintains the Canadian Sustainable Youth Registry for the region, ensuring that all membership information is kept up to date.
Marketing Chair: Responsible for promoting the activities and initiatives of Sustainable Youth Canada in the area served by the Affiliated Region, overseeing the distribution of marketing material.
Outreach Chair: Responsible for developing the outreach strategy to expand the influence of SYC in the region, and directs expansion and diversification of SYC into schools, universities throughout the area served.
Initiatives Chair: Oversees the organization, planning, and execution of youth-led initiatives occurring in the region.
External Events Chair: Collects information about volunteering opportunities and events from partner organizations of Sustainable Youth Canada in the area served by the Affiliated Region, and communicates opportunities to members in the region via mediums like the SustainableFeed.
Media Chair: Oversees the artistic direction and design of publications made by the Affiliated Region to maintain the professional brand and presence of Sustainable Youth Canada.
Partnership Chair: Manages the relations of Sustainable Youth Canada's partners and sponsors specific to the area covered by the Affiliated Region.
You can apply as an Executive for a Regional Committee by completing the form here.